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Tuesday, September 25, 2012
The Forex Millionaire:Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, And Join The New Rich: Recently Exposed Secret Ways To Become Part Of The Underground Forex Millionaire Society
The Forex Millionaire:Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, And Join The New Rich: Recently Exposed Secret Ways To Become Part Of The Underground Forex Millionaire Society
You will not find this education at you brokers how to section. Most likely you will not find this information anywhere on this book section on any other book store. I have paid thousands of dollars on exclusive groups and paid forums to collect the information presented in this book. As you can imagine these are the highly guarded secrets of the elite of the FOREX traders, no one gives their living away, unless you pay them a price worth their living. However I have decided to make this information for ridiculously low price, because I am fed up with the brokers and the big banks taking advantage of the regular retail trader. Let me ask you a question? When was the last time you make money with FOREX? Even further more how much money you are willing to lose, until you give up? How long you will continue to give your hard earned money to the broker? Just like you I started 5 years ago with high hopes of quitting my job and leaving the live I deserve with FOREX. My hopes and aspirations were quickly crashed and my dreams went to the dump. First I lost 1000, then 5000, 10k , how much longer I could continue like that, how much longer I could endure the ridicule the jokes of my family and the frown on the face of my wife. It was painful, sitting all day in front of the computer, until you can't see any longer and everything including the platform and your mind become blurry. I know the pain I have been there. This continued for year, until one morning I was ready to quit, I was going to give it a last try and throw that FOREX staff in the garbage, out the window. I stumbled on a rear tread, which since then has been banned, by the broker that was holding the forum. Luckily the tread continued under the brokerâs radar for while, and gathered a bunch of comments an support. Finally the tread from the trader X was discontinued. I was in dis pare, that was the only hope and light, I have seen for a long time. I was applying the advice from the tra de and things were starting to work for me. Fortunately I was able to PM the trader and begged him to agree on a 20 min conversation on the phone. Trader X was not a guru, not your regular internet promoter mojo. He was quietly raking in thousands of dollars a month for years, he was not excited about the next trade, his heart beat was not raising before he pooled the trigger. See, he has been doing this trading staff for so long it has become a boring procedure, rather a morning an afternoon chore, something like putting the garbage out on garbage day. He explained that he learned from the MASTER, I did not proceed to ask him who was the MASTER, since I mainly was concerned with him teaching him every little bit of what he knew about trading. He didn't not agree to spend time teaching me on our first conversation, regardless of how much I offered to pay him. See, for him money was not a issue. Finally on my third approach he agreed to show me what the MASTER had thought hi m many years ago. What is comprised in the pages of this book will be worth pure gold to you. This book is down to the ground no no sense, real trading knowledge. It gives step by step instructions with real trade examples. This book is not your regular hog wash advice that you will find from your broker and the other magic bullets and seven step series that you see on this site. This book teaches you how to trade like the pros. Shows you how the big banks and foreign nationals and institution trade. The book opens your eyes to how to piggy back on the big institutional traders and win. Ninety Five percent of the people that trade the Forex market lose money and give up. The market is continually replaced by fresh blood like yourself. Don't become part of the statistics, read this book and get a map to success in FOREX. You can make a success in FOREX if you know what you are doing. Yes you can make a living with FOREX and quit your job. You can achieve your dreams. Buy this book and find out How? Before the internet, very few individuals traded foreign exchange as they could not get access to a level of pricing that would allow them a reasonable chance to profit after transaction costs. Shortly after the internet became mainstream however several firms built online trading platforms which gave the individual trader a much higher level access to the market. The internet introduced two main features into the equation which were not present before: 1. Streaming Quotes: The Internet allowed these firms to stream quotes directly to traders and then have them execute on those quotes from their computer instead of having to deal over the phone. This automated trade processing, and therefore made it easier for firms to offer the ability to trade fx to the individuals and still be profitable. 2. Automatic Margin Calls: What is not so obvious but what was perhaps even more key is that the internet allowed an automated margin call feature to be built in to the platform. This allowed firms to accept cash deposits from clients instead of having to put them through the process of signing up to trade via a credit line. As we discussed in our last lesson it is very difficult to get a credit line to trade FX and for those who do it is a lot of paperwork and hoops to jump through before they can begin trading. This would have made it impossible to offer FX trading to smaller individual traders as the cost involved in getting them set up to trade would not be ...
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