17 Proven Currency Trading Strategies: How to Profit in the Forex Market (Wiley Trading)
The foreign exchange (forex) market is the most actively traded market in the world, with hundreds of billions of dollars exchanged every day. How To Profit in the Forex Market is designed to help anyoneâ"from day traders to mechanical traders, and everyone in betweenâ"to master the forex market, with the help of seventeen proven trading strategies.
Because there are relatively few "insiders" trading forex, prices tend to move in concert with technical analysis indicators. As a result, there are significant opportunities for traders who can recognize unfolding patterns and are willing to withstand the nearly constant volatility. This book explains how to make the most of these opportunities, covering financial markets and how they've changed, how to identify your trading sensibilities, and how to capitalize on them using practical strategies.
- Introduces and exp lains forex trading in plain English
- Presents seventeen proven trading strategies
- Shows readers how to asses their own trading nature and use this knowledge to their advantage
The forex markets offer incredible opportunities for making money, and How To Profit in the Forex Market explains exactly how.
List Price: $ 80.00 Price: $ 49.89 amazon-store-now.blogspot.com amazon-store-now.blogspot.com
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