Day Trade Online (Wiley Trading Series) 
Day trading can be quite lucrative, but only if you know what you are doing. As Farrell points out: "Trading for a living is hard. Trading for a living over the Internet is even harder. There are many challenges and obstacles that confront you. Venturing into this jungle unprepared is a recipe for disaster." This straightforward guide provides the head start and heads up necessary to thrive as a day trader, covering everything from the dangers and pitfalls of trading online to an in-depth analysis of which trading techniques work and which don't.
Day Trade Online, Second Edition presents inside information on the strategies of top trading firms, including the most secretive, misunderstood, and profitable function on Wall Street. Most importantly, you will learn to look at ten different stocks and pinpoint which one to trade, when, at what price, and why. With the right know-how, you will be able to apply this knowledge to every single stock that you screen.Day trading such stocks as, eBay, and Yahoo! sounds like a game for the gun slinger: jump into the fray and pull the trigger. Is that really the case? No, according to author Christopher Farrell, who earns his money just as Wall Street does--by making very small, short-term, high-percentage trades. Farrell, who works from home, has traded over 15,000,000 shares of stock via the Internet, producing a 65 percent annual return for his investment fund in its first year. Using detailed, user-friendly examples, Farrell shows how to place orders online and then sell minutes later for small profits that can potentially add up to thousands of dollars a day--
if you pick the right stocks. He explains how the New York Stock Exchange allows traders to buy on the bid and sell at the offer, just like the professionals. Farrell also includes loads of tips, such as how to choose an online broker, how much to pay for commissions, and how to cope with a technology that's still in its inf ancy. If you've been thinking about joining the estimated 5 million online traders, then this book is for you.
--Thom Hartle
List Price: $ 29.95
Price: $ 15.65
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